اثاث مكتبي - عمان

اثاث مكتبي عمان مسقط
office furniture muscat
تعد مهمة شراء الأثاث المكتبي لشركتك في عمان من المسؤوليات الرئيسية. قد يكون شراء أثاث ومعدات مكتبية جديدًا قرارًا رئيسيًا ليس فقط لأنه يساهم ويدعم رفاه موظفيك وراحتهم ، ولكنه يؤثر أيضًا على إنتاجية المكاتب.

قبل قضاء أيام من زيارة المساحات المكتبية واستعراض الإنترنت لأثاث المكاتب الذي يمكن للجميع الاتفاق عليه ، سوف يدفع مقابل قضاء بعض الوقت في مراجعة بعض الاعتبارات الاستراتيجية الرئيسية في مسقط.

يمكن أن يكون شراء أثاث المكاتب في مسقط عملية شاقة ، خاصة إذا كان عليك أن تأخذ بعين الاعتبار عددًا كبيرًا من الآراء والطلبات الخاصة والآراء المختلفة حول الأسلوب. أكثر أهمية من أشياء مثل الراحة ، وبيئة العمل وقيمة على المدى الطويل.

في حين أنه يمكنك التخفيف من صداع البحث عن طريق التخلي ببساطة عن قرار البائع ذي الأسعار المنخفضة ، فسوف يتم تقديمك بشكل أفضل من خلال اتباع نهج أكثر حذقاً ومُقاسًا. هناك عدد من الأسئلة الرئيسية التي يجب مراعاتها في عملية شراء الأثاث.

إليك بعض النصائح البسيطة للتأكد من اتخاذ الخيارات الصحيحة لمؤسستك أو مكتبك.

Modern Worstations

Workstations are the most important elements in every workspace in Oman.


Ace Series Cluster of 2 Single Line Workstation

Ace Series
AED 1,727
ACE modular desk system offers clean design with high adaptability for a wide variety of work environments. The selection of table top finishes and add-on elements make every desk design efficient and functional. A large selection of colors and materials for panels and frames allows workplaces to be designed individually.

Ace Series Cluster of 2x Face to Face Workstation

Ace Series
AED 1,748
ACE modular desk system offers clean design with high adaptability for a wide variety of work environments. The selection of table top finishes and add-on elements make every desk design efficient and functional. A large selection of colors and materials for panels and frames allows workplaces to be designed individually.
AED 4,305
ACE modular desk system offers clean design with high adaptability for a wide variety of work environments. The selection of table top finishes and add-on elements make every desk design efficient and functional. A large selection of colors and materials for panels and frames allows workplaces to be designed individually.
AED 3,848
Electrical control standing desk with award winning advanced digital control module with many features. Dial shape control unit with 3x programmable height positions, allowing to move between preset positions with touch of a bottom. Small digital screen also displays the current height of the desk. To know more about functions please visit Desk Control...
AED 5,051
Focus Series Cubicle Workstations, 4cm Aluminum Frame, Fabric Covered MDF Partitions Permanent Monolithic, Segmented, Glass and Stack Configurations Universal Hinge Connection System for Easy Installation

Ergonomic Chairs for Modern Office in Muscat

Employees will be sitting and working most of the day, so providing comfortable chair is essential. More importantly, ergonomic chairs and desks are critical as they make working easier and healthier, as supported by many studies. 

side front
  • New
Conference Chairs

Trio Drafting Counter Chair

AED 860
A modern, versatile chair designed for comfort and support. The breathable plastic backrest ensures airflow, while the high-quality frame allows a 10° backward tilt for relaxation and a 5° forward tilt for better posture. Pressure-sensitive casters lock automatically when you sit, providing stability and security.
Side front
  • New
Conference Chairs

Trio Designer Multi-Purpose Chair

AED 660
Modern and versatile multi-purpose chair combines functionality with ergonomic design. The breathable plastic backrest promotes optimal airflow, ensuring a cool and comfortable seating experience even during extended periods of use. Built for both durability and flexibility, the high-quality back frame provides reliable support while allowing a 10°...
4 screens sage
  • New
Acoustic Dividers

EchoFold Series Sway Acoustic Partition

AED 990
Fire-rated acoustic partitions crafted from 60% Post-consumer recycled polyester fiber, the EchoFold series are a sustainable and stylish solution for improving privacy and acoustics. The screens provide an excellent visual and acoustic privacy through their Dual-layer PET panel construction. These folding screens are pinnable and available in a range of...
5 Screens Smoke
  • New
Acoustic Dividers

EchoFold Series Bloom Acoustic Partition

AED 1,160
Fire-rated acoustic partitions crafted from 60% Post-consumer recycled polyester fiber, the EchoFold series are a sustainable and stylish solution for improving privacy and acoustics. The screens provide an excellent visual and acoustic privacy through their Dual-layer PET panel construction. These folding screens are pinnable and available in a range of...
2 Screens Wheat
  • New
Acoustic Dividers

EchoFold Series Luna Acoustic Partition

AED 990
Fire-rated acoustic partitions crafted from 60% Post-consumer recycled polyester fiber, the EchoFold series are a sustainable and stylish solution for improving privacy and acoustics. The screens provide an excellent visual and acoustic privacy through their Dual-layer PET panel construction. These folding screens are pinnable and available in a range of...
  • New
Acoustic Dividers

Echoshield Fabric-Wrapped Acoustic Partition

AED 450
The Echoshield Fabric-Wrapped Acoustic Partitions are expertly designed to provide both visual and acoustic privacy. Each panel features a robust construction of Dual-Layers of PET panels made from post-consumer recycled content, with a metal sheet in between for added stability.